
Blow Room

C.N.I.P provides full line installation service of blow room include 1. Bale Opener, 2. Cotton Mixer Machine, 3. Air Tower, 4. Mono axial opener, Fiber opener, dusting machine, and pipe lines.

Blow room is the initial stage in spinning process. The name blow room is given because of the "air flow" And all process isdone in blow room because of air flow. Blow room is consisting of different machines to carry out the objectives of blow room. In blow room the tuft size of cotton becomes smaller and smaller. In a word we can say a section in which the supplied compressed bales are opened, cleaned & blending or mixing to form uniform lap of specific length is called Blow room section. During the opening, cleaning, blending or mixing different faults or defects occur in blow room. Now I will discuss about faults/defects, causes and way to remedies in blow room section.


C.N.I.P provides full line installation service of Carding machine including construction, repairing or replace old parts, Installation of electrical components, wiring and panelling.

Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibres to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing. This is achieved by passing the fibres between differentially moving surfaces covered with card clothing. It breaks up locks and unorganised clumps of fibre and then aligns the individual fibres to be parallel with each other. In preparing wool fibre for spinning, carding is the step that comes after teasing.