Spinning Mill Restart


C.N.I.P provides best services for installation of old spinning machinery and restart the spinning machinery. we provide construction work, electrical work, Pipe line works, installation of moisture systems, storage rooms, maintenance room, installation of the machinery which provided by client, Our technical team visit the site and provide best site support to our clients.


Our installation service start from Per-spinning line, two different systems are installed in this area called 1. Blow Room 2. Carding. CNIP Provides the best installation service for the installation of blow room machinery with all duction-pipelines and underground construction work, we also provides the best electrical panels & wiring service for machinery.

We offer different brand installation service of blow room such as Ritter, Slow Blower, LMW, Truetzchler, or more.

Spinning Preparation Ring & Compact

Re-Installation of Spinning line include draw frame, roving system, ring spinning system, comber system, compact spinning, rotor spinning. Our all installation work & design of factory are as per company standard and all installation work start with the approval of owners. Our services of spinning preparations are as under:

Rotor Spinning

Rotor Spinning : Rotor Spinning is a more recent method of yarn formation compared to Ring Spinning. This is a form of open-end spinning where the twist is introduced into the yarn without the need for package rotation. Allowing for higher twisting speeds with a relatively low power cost.

Air Spinning

Air spinning : Air-jet spinning is also known as Vortex or fascinated yarn spinning. Air jet spinning has offered yarn manufacturers the opportunity to produce yarn at relatively high production rate. Unlike other spinning methods in which productivity is limited by the amount of twist in the yarn, Air Jet yarns can be produced at the same production rate regardless of yarn counts. Murata Vortex Spinners are one such leading Air Jet spinning machines which excel at producing finer yarns (Ne 40/1-60/1), because of the improved strength imparted to the smaller fibre bundle.


The winding is the process of creating large yarn packages called “cone” from a number of small yarn packages (ring cops) in order to make use of yarn in subsequent machinery. The Winding process not only make bigger yarn packages, it also corrects spinning faults like neps, hairiness, and waxes.