Spinning Preparation Ring & Compact

Draw Frame

We provide installation service of Draw frame with all electrical and Parts replacement work. Draw Frame is a machine for combining and drawing slivers of a textile fiber (as of hemp for rope manufacture or cotton for spinning). Draw Frame is the operation by which slivers are blended, doubled and levelled. In short staple spinning the term is only applied to the process at a draw frame.

Roving Frame

We provide Installation service of Speed frame / roving frame, with complete package of installation , repairing of roving frame parts or replace new parts, checking electrical wiring and other electrical components, The roving frame/speed frame or simplex is a machine which comes between draw frame and ring frame or between comber and ring frame machine. The drawn sliver is used as a feeding material in simplex machine. After completion of this process, the resulted material is called roving. We can say that "the simplex is a machine which converts the drawn sliver into thin strand of fibres having some amount of twist". The sliver is drafted many times from its original length during roving frame process and little amount of twist is inserted to it to improve the strength of roving. This roving is wound on to the large conical packages. These packages are used as input material during ring frame process. The weight per metre of sliver is reduced up to great extent and it is made suitable for ring frame.


Restoration of comber machine with provide RCC OR PCC works, replacement of worn parts, and electrical components. Combing is the process that removes the final proportion of short fibers, naps and others impurities such as vegetable matter and seed coat fragments in cotton that has already been carded. Combed yarns are superior in quality when compared to carded yarn as they are generally finer, stronger, smoother and more uniform due to the removal of short fibers and the alignment of fibers.

Ring frame

C.N.I.P provide installation service of ring spinning line with complete RCC / PCC work, before installation of ring frame our engineers check and repair or replace the parts which is not in a good condition, checking all electrical cabling and panel programme, also provide maintenance work of bottom line suction systems.

Ring spinning is one of oldest machine oriented spinning techniques used for staple fiber spinning. The staple fiber such as cotton and wool has to go through a series of processes until reaching the finished product or the yarn package.The ring frame process is the last and the most important process in the yarn manufacturing process. “The machine which converts the roving into desired yarn count is called ring frame”. It is the most commonly used method in yarn manufacturing process. The final yarn of required count gets spun on the ring frame machine. The roving obtained from simplex machine gets used as input material in the ring frame process. Three actions (drafting, twisting and package formation) are performed simultaneously and continuously in the ring frame process. The material is drafted so many times of its length according to yarn count to be spun. After drafting, a required amount of twist is inserted to the fibres strand to hold the fibres together strongly. Now this yarn gets wound onto the ring bobbin. These ring bobbins have very low amount of yarn on them, so that yarn from these bobbins is transferred on the large package which is called cone, cheese or spool. This machine is suitable to spun cotton, synthetic and many other fibres efficiently. The widest range of yarn count can be spun on the ring frame. The yarn produced on the ring frame machine has very good tensile strength, elongation percentage, yarn evenness and hairiness properties. The ring spun yarn is more expensive than open end yarn.

Compact spinning

Compact spinning is a novel concept generated through re-engineering of established ring spinning process by attaching a pneumatic zone to existing ring spinning machine. Compact spinning achieves a remarkable improvement in yarn quality and yarn structure through better utilization of fibre properties.